• Did Your WordPress Menu Disappear? Here’s How To Fix It! | blogger wikis



    Did Your WordPress Menu Disappear? Here’s How To Fix It!

     Your WordPress menu can be an essential part of your website. Without it, your visitors might have a more difficult time navigating to the page or post they want to view. If you find that your WordPress menu disappeared, you might want to know why so that you can figure out how to get it back.

    Why did your WordPress menu disappear? A WordPress menu could disappear for a few reasons, most of them relating to changes made to the site. After the installation of a new plugin or theme, the site menu might go away. Luckily, it’s easy enough to bring the menu back.

    Why Did Your WordPress Menu Disappear?

    Once you know what menu is gone, you can figure out the cause. Determining why your WordPress menu disappeared can help you fix the problem. Some common reasons include a new theme, a WordPress update, and some missing code.

    A Design Change

    More Plugins, More Problems


    Updates Gone Wrong

    Missing Code

    Whether your public menu or admin bar is gone, you may feel stressed to get it back. If you determine the issue is caused by some missing code or your menu settings, you can make the necessary changes. To learn more about why an admin bar might go away, click here.

    How to Fix Your Menu Issue

    Once you determine which menu is gone and what might have caused the issue, it’s time to fix it. In most cases, you can fix the problem by adjusting your menu settings. If you recently changed to a new theme, you may need to change the layout a bit so that your menu can appear how you like it.

    Go to your WordPress dashboard and head to Appearance, then Menus.
    Make sure that your menu is there and that you didn’t accidentally delete it.
    Click on the tab Manage Locations. Now, the exact screen will depend on your theme, but you should see something like Header Menu or Primary Menu.
    Next, assign the menu that you want to appear as the header or primary menu.
    Hit Save and refresh your website. The menu should appear in the correct place.
    When you change to a new theme, you may need to experiment with the exact location of your menu. However, these steps can correct most of the more common problems. If you find that you deleted your menu, you can recreate it within the Menus screen, but you’ll need to make a new menu from scratch.

    When it comes to fixing an admin bar problem, that gets more tricky. Unless you’re a web developer, you should contact your web host for help accessing your web files to correct the problem.

    Final Thoughts

    When you log into your website only to find that your WordPress menu disappeared, try not to freak out. Instead, remain calm and think about any recent changes you made so that you can determine what caused the issue. Finally, you can take the necessary steps to get your menu back.

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